Westside Gallery
Franz Flemming Str. 9. Leipzig, Germany
This solo exhibition, which was also my final exam from the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, is made up of visual explorations of human [with, and, or] in environment. These works are a selection from 2018 until 2020 that represent my evolution and experimentation with the subject through different mediums including: printmaking, quilting, painting, photography, sculpture, welding, ceramics, and video works.
Symbols fade in and out of each work throughout the gallery space, connecting and continuing dialogue between each piece such as: Monstera Deliciosa Plants, Google Earth screenshots, water, and interior architecture.
The title "Palms And Our Hands" references the typical phrase regarding ownership and control "I had it in the palm of my hand". The word-play functions to point to the palm as a member of the human body as well as a member of a plant body. It is my own poetic expression to suggest the complexity between plant, human, and land bodies that encompass the themes and narratives within the exhibition.
Images shot by: Gustav Franz