Wool,Fabric, Latex, Hot Glue, 11 x 11 cm Acrylic QR Codes
Shapes of Destruction
Shapes of Destruction is an ongoing series that uses a hybrid of digital technology and craft techniques to explore the aesthetics of environmental destruction. The works are inspired by deforested areas in the Amazon Rainforest found through Google Earth satellite images, specifically on land that has been historically marked out as Indigenous territory. The shapes are then translated into carpets and soft sculptures using a textile art technique called tufting.
As an installation, Shapes of Destruction, re-evaluates and re-presents the human position in ecologies both near and far. Viewers are invited to walk around, sit on, and move the carpets. The installation offers an array of positions for viewers to metaphorically and physically explore their relationship to and perspectives of these shapes. This interactive installation contemplates connections between domesticity and destruction.
Each carpet has an attached QR code that can transport viewers to the Google Earth screenshot or satellite view of the coordinates of that specific carpet was made after. Because Google Earth regularly updates their satellite imagery, the carpets may look different to these perpetually changing shapes carved into the rainforest canopy. In themselves, the carpets are an archive of the growth of the environmental destruction taking place today.
As the project continues, 3D models, animations, and other materials are being explored to further develop these connections between aesthetics and environmental destruction.
This project is in partnership with Amazon Watch. For every carpet sold, 10% will be donated to Amazon Watch. More information can be found on my website or Instagram.
Shapes of Destruction is an ongoing series that uses a hybrid of digital technology and craft techniques to explore the aesthetics of environmental destruction. The works are inspired by deforested areas in the Amazon Rainforest found through Google Earth satellite images, specifically on land that has been historically marked out as Indigenous territory. The shapes are then translated into carpets and soft sculptures using a textile art technique called tufting.
As an installation, Shapes of Destruction, re-evaluates and re-presents the human position in ecologies both near and far. Viewers are invited to walk around, sit on, and move the carpets. The installation offers an array of positions for viewers to metaphorically and physically explore their relationship to and perspectives of these shapes. This interactive installation contemplates connections between domesticity and destruction.
Each carpet has an attached QR code that can transport viewers to the Google Earth screenshot or satellite view of the coordinates of that specific carpet was made after. Because Google Earth regularly updates their satellite imagery, the carpets may look different to these perpetually changing shapes carved into the rainforest canopy. In themselves, the carpets are an archive of the growth of the environmental destruction taking place today.
As the project continues, 3D models, animations, and other materials are being explored to further develop these connections between aesthetics and environmental destruction.
This project is in partnership with Amazon Watch. For every carpet sold, 10% will be donated to Amazon Watch. More information can be found on my website or Instagram.

For 25 years, Amazon Watch has protected the rainforest and advanced the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. Amazon Watch protects millions of acres of rainforest every year by partnering with Indigenous peoples – the best stewards of the forest – to directly challenge the corporate and government powers that threaten the Amazon and our climate.
The knowledge, cultures, and traditional practices of Amazon Watch’s Indigenous partners contribute greatly to sustainable and equitable stewardship of the Amazon and all of Mother Earth. Amazon Watch promotes these Indigenous-led solutions and expands capacity for Indigenous leaders, especially women, to maintain their autonomy and sovereignty for the stewardship of their ancestral territories.
Your purchase today will directly support critical efforts to protect the rainforest and stand in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. 100% of donations to Amazon Watch go to their programmatic work to stop Amazon destruction, advance Indigenous solutions and support climate justice. Thank you!

Exhibited in:
2022 Re:Publica
2022 Hamburg Museum for Art & Design Fair
2023-2024 GfZK Leipzig 25 year museum aniversary collection exhibition, “Things That Were Are Things Again”
Shapes of Destruction is made with support and funding from: